How to Add Cardio to Stronglifts 5×5


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The easiest way to add cardio to Stronglifts 5×5 is by doing it on your rest days. Here’s what I recommend…

Cardio rest days Stronglifts 5x5

With this workout schedule you train three days in a row, take one day off, train two days in a row again, and then take another day off.

  • Lift weights 3x/week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Cardio 2x/week on Tuesday and Saturday

If you have time and energy for more, you could do a third cardio session on Thursday too. This makes it easier to reach the physical health guidelines of 75min of cardio per week (3x25min). However it’s fine to start with just two cardio sessions per week and do more over time.

Guidelines for adding cardio to Stronglifts 5×5…

  • Do 10 to 25min of cardio on your rest days. Start with less if you’re not that fit. Gradually try to do more over time.
  • Moderate intensity cardio is fine (you should be able to have a conversation with someone while doing cardio).
  • Pick whatever cardio you prefer – I like cycling, but you can do rowing, swimming, jogging, or any other form of cardio that you like.

If you do cardio at a moderate intensity on your rest days, you’ll recover faster for your workouts. Cardio is a form of active recovery: it flushes blood into your muscles and removes waste products. This can reduce soreness from lifting weights, helping you train harder the next workout.

To be continued…

I’ll extend this cardio guide soon, and make it detailed like all the other guides on this website. If you have questions, please send them over.

Written by Mehdi Hadim

Lifter, coach and author. I have over 26 years of experience lifting weights, and 18 years of experience coaching people. Before I started lifting, I was so weak I couldn't do a single pushup and even lost armwrestling to a girl. Since then I've Squatted 440lb, Deadlifted 500lb and competed in powerlifting. In that process I gained 45lb of muscle. Read my story.

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